Important phone numbers & addresses
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- Important phone numbers & addresses
The address of Brinckerduyn
De Roggeberg 1
8426 GK Appelscha
Friesland, Netherlands
Our contact details
Tel: +31(0)85 401 23 62 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)
E-mail: hello@brinckerduyn.nl
General telephone numbers
- General emergency number | Call 112
- Police general | Call 0900-8844
- Pharmacy De drie Stellingen | Call 0516-432722 | Address Vaart Zuidzijde 60, Appelscha
- Veterinary Center Oosterwolde | Call 0516-512742 | Address Venekoterweg 40, Oosterwolde
- General Practice | Call 0516-431355 | Address Alle Wijtzesweg 23 Appelscha | Mon-Fri: 8h00-17h00
- Huisartsenpost Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis | Call 0900-1120112 | Address Europaweg Zuid 1 Assen | After 17h00, at night and at weekends
- Dental practice | Call 0516-431405 | Address Van Emstplein 4, Appelscha | At weekends and at night 0900-2023300
Supermarkets in the area
- Poiesz | Call 0516-430970 | Address Vaart Zuidzijde 47, Appelscha
- Albert Heijn | Call 0516-567130 | Address Stipeplein 14 Oosterwolde
Handy & nice
- VVV Appelscha | Address Boerenstreek 23, Appelscha
Here you can find information about the area, event cycling and hiking maps and souvenirs. In our clubhouse you will find the weekly program of all markets and other activities that will take place in Appelscha and its surroundings.